My Blog Posts


Canary Rising is Closing

Jun 26, 2024

The following message went out in an email on Sunday June 23rd, to everyone who has opted to receive email from the Canary Rising website:

Hello dear friends, 

I've written plenty of emails and blog posts over the years, but this one has been, by far, one of the hardest.

I’ve come to the very difficult decision that it’s time for me to close this website. (To be clear, it is only this website, Canary Rising, that will be closing, I will continue to teach, write, create art, and share my offerings other places online and on location.)

Details on how this impacts any courses you've purchased on this website are at the bottom of this email, but first I'd like to share a bit about what led to this decision.

Crystal Marie: Canary Rising began in March of 2020 as a series of daily live conversations on Facebook at the start of the pandemic and then morphed into my first live online workshop, Discovering Your Intuitive Voice, which I offered free to all who wanted to be in the group. 

I continued teaching workshops from 2020 through August of 2021 in private Facebook groups. We were all hungry for that connection in the absence of the physical spaces we were used to being able to gather in, but it was so much more than that.

I find I cannot manage to describe it well enough to do it justice. It was a space where we were able to connect, not only to each other as artists, but to our own most authentic, curious and creative voices. 

If you were a part of it during that time, you know what I mean when I say it was truly special and very much what I hoped to continue here on the website. I found instead that opening Canary Rising the website served to disconnect me from that unique community we had built together. 

Now, wrapping up year three of operations, I'm coming to understand that I simply bit off more than I could chew. Running a platform requires partnership, widespread marketing, and more time than I ever imagined.

The experience has shown me that to successfully operate a platform like this requires more resources than I have available. It has been costly financially, physically, and emotionally. I've done no small amount of searching for another solution before having to acknowledge that it's simply untenable for me to continue to push myself to try harder. My resources are depleted from the effort of holding on out of the fear of letting it go.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support and all the love you have shown over the years. Thank you for being the kind of community that made me want to expand into this website in the first place. 

I'll be sending another newsletter in the near future with a farewell sale for many of the courses that I've offered here on the website. But first wanted to let you all know what is happening and why. 

If you'd like to continue to receive news of my art offerings, events, and new workshops (which I am mostly teaching live on zoom now or creating for other platforms), you can subscribe to my main newsletter here. 

Other places you can find me:

I'll continue to write about the process of realigning what I do as an artist in a more sustainable way, that allows me to show up as my authentic self on my writing blog, Crystal Marie, Deeper at this link. 

I have another blog called Recovering Your Intuitive Voice for Art + Life, that has a membership community where we are forging those connections to each other and to our own authentic core intuitive voices. You can find details about it at this link. 

I post new art on my Instagram account frequently, follow me at this link. 

That's all for now. With so much love and gratitude to you all,

Crystal Marie

Details for those who have purchased courses on this website:

PLEASE NOTE: this does not apply to courses that were sold as downloadable collections, or those that were live on zoom where you were provided access to the recordings with a link and password afterword. 

  • The website will close in stages.
  • Access to your courses through the website will end on July 31st, 2024. 
  • The homepage and event page will remain open until August 31st with a notice about the website closing. 
  • All courses in your Canary Rising library now have a downloadable option if you would like to keep them. I recommend storing them on an external thumb drive or uploading to your own cloud storage for long term access. 

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